Board of Commissioners

Arturo Rioseco, Chairman

Juan G. Villarreal, Vice-Chair 

Mario Acevedo, Resident Commissioner

Karla Flores, Commissioner 

Ismael Lopez, Commissioner

Gloria Tovar, Resident Commissioner

Mariano Valenzuela, Commissioner



Housing Authority of the City of Calexico Board of Commissioner’s Regular Meetings are open to the public and are usually held on:


Date:         Second and Fourth Thursday of Every Month   except November and December is subject to change

Time:         5:30 PM PST (2nd Thursday)9:00 AM PST (4th Thursday)

Location:   Hector Mario Esquer Building    

                  850 Eady Avenue, Calexico, CA 92231


Board of Commissioners

The Housing Authority is governed by a seven-member Board of Commissioners (the "Board") that is responsible for policy, fiscal management and the appointment of the President and Chief Executive Officer. Five Commissioners serve four-year terms. Two Commissioners, who serve two-year terms must be residents of the Authority's housing developments. There is no limit on the number of terms a Commissioner may serve. Currently the HACC board has 7 commissioners.